4 puzzles for Yudisthir
Just after the battle of Kurukshetra, Yudisthir Maharaj was the king of the whole world. He had given full independence to the citizens to come and see him at any time. Once Yudisthir Maharaj was taking rest and Bhima was acting as his asisstant. Suddenly a person came running to Bhima and said that he wanted to see Maharaj Yudisthir as he had a very complex question to ask. Bhima said that Since Yudisthir Maharaj was taking rest, he could tell his problem to him. The person then said that he had made a garden with various flowers and fruit trees and had made a fence to protect the plants. But strangely he saw that the fence starting moving inside and started destroying the plants. The man asked Bhima why was this happening and what does it indicate? Bhima was puzzled. UNable to answer him he let the person go in and see Yudisthir Maharaj to find an answer. After some time another man came running to Bhima and said that he wanted to see Yuydisthir MAharaj, Bhima asked what the matter was. The person said that he saw something strange. He saw that there was an elephant who was crossing a door. He saw that the whole body of the elephant got through the door but his tail got stuck in the door. The man asked what did that indicate. Unable to answer Bhima sent the man to see Yudisthir. After some time yet another man came to Bhima in great anxiety. The man said that a strange thing was happening to him. He said that he had some water in a bucket and he transferred the water into number of cups. But when he put the water back into the bucket he saw that the water in the bucket remained less than half. He took all care to not spill even a drop of water but he found that every time water would remain less than half when he would pour back into the bucket. The man demanded an explanation from Bhima. Unable to answer anything Bhima Sent him to see Yudisthir Maharaj. a 4th man came running and said that he saw something which was good and bad. Bhima asked what was that. The man said that he was travelling to an unknown destination. While travelling it became dark. Suddenly a mountain started moving towards him, there was a storm and heavy rain. In the mayhem he saw a small creeper on the ground. He was impelled to take the creeper out of the ground. When he pulled the creeper out the storm dispelled, sun arose and the weather became pleasant. Unable to understand the implication of the situation he sent the man to see Yudisthir Maharaj. After some time passed, Bhima went in to see Yudisthir. He asked if Yudisthir Maharaj saw the 4 people he had sent inside. Yudithir Mahahraj said that this four people represented the symptoms of age of Kali. He said that Lord Krsna was soon to depart back to the spiritual world and there are going to be various degradation due to the age of Kali. He said the first incidents indicates that in Kaliyuga the government which is supposed to protect the citizens will exploit the citizen for its own interest. The second incident represents that in Kaliyuga no matter how much great criminal one may be if one has sufficient money one can get a favorable judgement by bribing the judges. However, if one does not have money one will be stuck in the legal procedures and will be punished. The third incident represents that in the age of Kali, the children will not have any gratitude for the parents. The parents will give a lot to their children but the children will give back very little to the parents. The fourth incident represents that in Kaliyuga there will be many problems and great confusions. But there is one good quality in Kaliyuga which is called mahan guna. That is by chanting the holy names Krsna all misfortune will be mitigated. Bhima was amazed and satisfied by hearing these explanations of Yudisthir Maharaj.
Chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
and be happy.