Sunday, 27 September 2015

A unifying spiritual identity

Separatism created by religious identities is going to become a big crisis in years to come. I was quiet taken aback by hearing allegations and charges made by people of different religions on each other a few days back. I really feel that some disaster is really in the making. For some an obvious solution is to abolish religion and to live for humanity. Well that is a good idea, I feel. But, that is not the end of it all because there will always be people who feel that we are more human than you based on historical origins, economic status, political status etc. There is already enough evidence that there are powers who perpetrate those not in power by exploiting their lack of education or access to information. So, the basic paradigm is how do you foster in the minds of all people an allegiance to the value of humanity? Can it be done by the materialistic civilization which only believes in being merry. Today I may think to not becoming merry at the cost of others, tomorrow I may cast aside this status. What is the experience in life that people should have in order to be able stick to the principle of fairness and justice despite opportunities to exploit and rule? I feel only spirituality is the answer to it. Not just the spirituality in letter or practices, but those letter and practices should become an experience.
For example the spiritual teachings of Gita tell us that all living entities are souls and parts of the Supreme Being. When this knowledge turns into a reality then one sees every life as a sacred manifestation of God. Then it does not matter which faith people are following. It is justified to seek for happiness in the way that one finds appropriate. Education may be given but ultimately the choice is individual.
Therefore, it is important that different religions co-exist in harmony by realizing that every being is the part of God.

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